Last time while I read the cirque du freak series, the young vampire named Darren has faced hell. Now in this book vol. 6 he has somehow lived falling down the rushing waterfall that he thought he would die going down from. He was very lucky not to die. He reached the bottom and is very cold and injured. He might of lived but he's still very injured from falling down the waterfall and the trails of death he recently faced. Now he's alone and away from Kurda, a young vampire he used to call his friend now his worst nightmare. Darren has to sneak back to vampire mountain without nobody noticing or else Kurda might kill him. Can he do it......
The main character has never faced anything like this since he had turned into a vampire. He walked on the cold snow rapped in tape freezing to death. He walked and walked but he believed he wouldn't make it, until he fell on the cold floor. As he fell he saw a shadow of a hungry wolf. It came closer and closer in till it licked the young vampire. I thought that the wolf was gonna eat him because Darren looked very week and defenseless and it looked like he wasn't gonna make it. When Darren looked up he saw it was his young pup Rudi and his other wolf friends. Darren hugged Rudi as he licked his face. That gave Darren the energy to go on the vampire mountain. He walked a little more after that and he fell asleep in the middle of a few wolfs. The next morning he had the energy to eat and drink and make it to Vampire mountain and find someone that would believe him and help stop Kurda from helping the horrible vampires the vampinez from invading Vampire mountain.
Ina few day's he made it secretly threw a cave where a wolf guided him and left. He quietly went inside and went to look for someone that would help him expose who Kurda really is. If i was Darren i would not do this because i could die by Kurda's army of vampineze with other vampire friends. The person that Darren choose to help him was his teacher's teacher. When Seba the teacher saw him come he was surprised that he was alive. Darren told Seba all of what has happen to Gavner and Kurda. Seba was shocked but he believed him. Seba said that he would help him. He and Darren walked in the hall of princes and everybody stared at him. Kurda saw him and some of his friends guarded him. I infer that Darren will get killed with some of his friends because he spoiled Kurda's plans.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
LIFE Dosen't Frighten Me At All.
When i read this book/poem i read a lot of things that the author said wasn't afraid of. But in reality I think the author is trying to say that she/he is scared of many things and is writing some of the things that she's actually scared of in this book. Some of the things i read that she said "Doesn't frighten me at all" was the dark, people fighting, dragons which is the one in this picture, big animals, and many more stuff. I believe that the author is scared because i believe that the author is explaining things in this poem that she really is scared of and trying to tell the world but says "Life doesn't frighten me at all". This is some of the many things why I think she's trying to express that she actually afraid of many things but can't say it but can write it in a way that people think that she's not afraid of.
I connect to this poem because there are many things that im afraid of but never have the courage to tell anybody like i think the author is also trying to say. I also think this author's poem connect's to everyone else in this world because everybody's scared of somehting and never really express it like I think the author did in this poem. The main reason why I liked this poem was that it really spoke out to me and I think relates not just to me but everybody else thatis afraaid of something and never has the courage to tell anyone but could write about it like the aouthor did.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Gio because I like how he did a very good job on his blog post mostly how he described a character in to different ways. Also that he post at least 3 paragraphs which is very good. Also another thing i liked about his Blog Post is that he didn't retail like i used to do a lot which very important not to do a lot of in blog posts. This was part of Gio's Blog post that i saw that i like out of the 3 I read today that liked,
"Greg could have been the bad protagonist and he could have been the good protagonists but as a result Greg was the good protagonist that cared to change the life of a child who was poor. Now if Greg was the bad protagonist he would not care for these kids and he would have just said thank you for your help when he was there on the small village,"
This was so far the best part of his blog that made me nominate him because on how he described this protagonist in a both positive and negative way. KEEP IT UP GIO!
"Greg could have been the bad protagonist and he could have been the good protagonists but as a result Greg was the good protagonist that cared to change the life of a child who was poor. Now if Greg was the bad protagonist he would not care for these kids and he would have just said thank you for your help when he was there on the small village,"
This was so far the best part of his blog that made me nominate him because on how he described this protagonist in a both positive and negative way. KEEP IT UP GIO!
The Great Betrayal
Last time I started to read book called Cirque Du freak vol. 5 written by Darren Shan. Now I finished this book and many horrifying things have happened. The young vampire could not finish the trails of death and was sentenced to death. But the important most part was that he didn't die with the help of some very close friends. This is what has happened since the last trail.
Darren had to face the hardest trail of his life which was the trail of flames. Darren managed to complete this trail but he came out very injured and burned. He lived and passed it but he had to be covered all over his body with paper. The young vampire lost all his hair and didn't wake up for a day. After that he had only one day to recover from all his burns. But Darren was in luck because the Festival of the vampires has been announced to be on the day that Darren had to face his next trail which was the trail of the boars. Darren had to face of 2 boars and kill them before they killed him. The festival of the vampires was the day that everybody had to have fun, drink all day, and beat the hell out of each other. I think that even though Darren has more time to rest for the next trail, he won't be fully cured because he had been to injury burned and still sore. At last he recovered more then he expected but he was still badly injured and burned. He didn't get to train because there was no time for him to train since he could hardly move the passed few days. Darren fought the 2 bulls but it was a little difficult for him to kill them both. He killed one but he got squished by it. Next the other live bull came full speed at him trying to kill him. But Darren's little friend came out of nowhere and smashed the bull. Darren was saved but he knew that he had to face the hall of Death. Darren was sent back to his room as his friends tried to talk to the vampire councils and not let them send Darren to the Hall Of Death. Darren waited and waited in his cabin and suddenly the young vampire named Kurda told Darren the horrible news. The vampire councils decided that Darren Shan should die in the Hall Of Death so he could suffer for "Cheating" I believe that Darren shouldn't die in the Hall Of Death because he really didn't cheat in his trail, he was just unexpectedly helped and Darren's a good boy and a damn good vampire that i read so far. Darren didn't know to face his death as a vampire or save himself as a human. Darren finally choose to escape from
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
The Challanges of Death.
The book that I just started to read is the fifth volume of the cirque du freak series. As i started to read it many horrible things have happened to Darren the young vampire boy. Darren had to face the trails of death to prove himself as a vampire to the councils. Darren accepted to do the challenges but he didn't know what he had to do and now he kind of regrets on taking the challenges. Now he has to prove himself by completing all the challenges or die trying.
Darren has accepted to do the challenges of death but he wasn't gonna do it alone. With the help of some of Mr.Cresley's friends Darren was determined to pass the trails and prove himself as a vampire. I think that if Darren didn't have anyone to help him he would have not passed the trails and died trying. Darren had 24 hours to prepare for the trails and 24 hours to rest for each test which was a good advantage for Darren. The first trail he choose at random from a bag was the trail of water. friend Vanez helped him a lot on preparing for this trail which was a trail ofstragedy that Darren had to get out of an underwater maze and escape before the water reached the surface. Darren trained a lot for this trail but hardly made it and almost didn't make it. The second trail was also a strategy trail which Darren had to make out without dying,
getting stabbed by needeseverywhere. Darren made it out of this trail but the next trail was so far the hardest out of all the trails. The Trails of Flames....
Darren mangaged to pass the trails of water and needles with a few bruises but the next one he took was the hardest and he almost didn't make it alive. The 3rd trail he picked out at random was the trails of flames which Darren had to escape the horrifying heat of the flames that could burn a person up. This was the test that I and Darren didn't think passing because it was very hard and complicated. Darren even gave a hug and said his farewells to his teacher mr.crepsley because he thought he wasen't gonna make it. Darren lasted a long time in this test tring not to get fried or hurt. But then there was a point where Darren got cornered and got blasted with flames all around his body. Darren thought he was done but the test had ended a few seconds after he got all fired up and some how made it threw test hardly alive. Like i said before i thought that Darren wasnt gonna make it but he some how did almost dead and burned to ashes. After the test,
Darren had been all rapped up with papers so he would cool down and recover. Sadly Darren wasn't recovering fast enough from his this trail and he and his friends thought that he wasn't gonna be ready enough for his next trail so Darren's freinds went to talk to the councails to give Darren some extra time to recover from his injuries but the vampire councials wouldn't give him more time and had to be ready in 24 hours to take his nect trail. I belive that Darren isn't gonna be ready for the next trail because he has benn to badly injured and has no chance in recovering fully in 1 day. I hope that Darren recovers and gets ready for the next trail threw out the book or else he would have to die in the Hall of Death!
Darren has accepted to do the challenges of death but he wasn't gonna do it alone. With the help of some of Mr.Cresley's friends Darren was determined to pass the trails and prove himself as a vampire. I think that if Darren didn't have anyone to help him he would have not passed the trails and died trying. Darren had 24 hours to prepare for the trails and 24 hours to rest for each test which was a good advantage for Darren. The first trail he choose at random from a bag was the trail of water. friend Vanez helped him a lot on preparing for this trail which was a trail ofstragedy that Darren had to get out of an underwater maze and escape before the water reached the surface. Darren trained a lot for this trail but hardly made it and almost didn't make it. The second trail was also a strategy trail which Darren had to make out without dying,
getting stabbed by needeseverywhere. Darren made it out of this trail but the next trail was so far the hardest out of all the trails. The Trails of Flames....
Darren mangaged to pass the trails of water and needles with a few bruises but the next one he took was the hardest and he almost didn't make it alive. The 3rd trail he picked out at random was the trails of flames which Darren had to escape the horrifying heat of the flames that could burn a person up. This was the test that I and Darren didn't think passing because it was very hard and complicated. Darren even gave a hug and said his farewells to his teacher mr.crepsley because he thought he wasen't gonna make it. Darren lasted a long time in this test tring not to get fried or hurt. But then there was a point where Darren got cornered and got blasted with flames all around his body. Darren thought he was done but the test had ended a few seconds after he got all fired up and some how made it threw test hardly alive. Like i said before i thought that Darren wasnt gonna make it but he some how did almost dead and burned to ashes. After the test,
Darren had been all rapped up with papers so he would cool down and recover. Sadly Darren wasn't recovering fast enough from his this trail and he and his friends thought that he wasn't gonna be ready enough for his next trail so Darren's freinds went to talk to the councails to give Darren some extra time to recover from his injuries but the vampire councials wouldn't give him more time and had to be ready in 24 hours to take his nect trail. I belive that Darren isn't gonna be ready for the next trail because he has benn to badly injured and has no chance in recovering fully in 1 day. I hope that Darren recovers and gets ready for the next trail threw out the book or else he would have to die in the Hall of Death!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Darren Meets The Councials.
This book that i finished was called Cirque du freak which was very interesting at the end. Darren finally arrived at Vampire Mountain to meet the councils for the first time. But before that he got a new pair of shoes and ate like there was know tomorrow. He arrived there with his vampire teacher Mr.Crepsley his friend Gavner. They met a lot of people in Vampire Mountain that were very good and became close friends with Darren. It was all good in till he had to talk to the councils and face something horrifying.
In Vampire mountain Darren first met Mr.Crepsley teacher that taught him how to be a vampire. Then Darren met a young vampire named Kurda who was close to being a vampire prince who was also one of the youngest vampires alive. Next he met Vanez who was the gamekeeper ofVampire Mountain who was in charge of the game room in Vampire Mountain . Next he met one of the toughest people in Vampire Mountain who was a women that beat Darren in a tough game of skill who fell unconscious. These were the people he became close with and taught him many things about Vampire Mountain . Darren had a lot of fun with his new friends in Vampire Mountain but it all ended when he talked to the vampire councils and made him take a big decision.
It was finally time for Mr.Crepsley and Darren to go to the hall of Princes and talk to the councils and present themselves. The councils looked at Mr.Crepsley and then furiously at Darren and asked Mr.Crepsley why he brought a child with him. Mr.Crepsley said that he was his assistant and that he was teaching him the ways of a vampire. The councils could not stand for it and sentenced a challenge for Darren to prove that he was a true vampire. The vampire councils said that Darren had to take the trails of death which was some horrifying challenges he had to take by himself and survive or escape. Darren thought and didn't know what to do. He didn't know a lot of the challenges or the ways of a vampire. But Darren didn't want to shame his teacher and last said that he would take the challenges to prove himself as a vampire. If i were Darren i wouldn't of taken the challenges because i would of not known a lot about vampires and not a lot about the challenges either and would have died. After Darren had been dismissed from the hall of princes he talked to his two friends Gavner and Kurda about the challenges and found out a lot of important information about the challenges. He thought he would have a lot of time to recover and rest after each challenge but he only had 24 hours. Also Darren found out the most important thing about the trails of death which was if Darren didn't complete the challenges he would sentenced to extermination.
In Vampire mountain Darren first met Mr.Crepsley teacher that taught him how to be a vampire. Then Darren met a young vampire named Kurda who was close to being a vampire prince who was also one of the youngest vampires alive. Next he met Vanez who was the gamekeeper of
It was finally time for Mr.Crepsley and Darren to go to the hall of Princes and talk to the councils and present themselves. The councils looked at Mr.Crepsley and then furiously at Darren and asked Mr.Crepsley why he brought a child with him. Mr.Crepsley said that he was his assistant and that he was teaching him the ways of a vampire. The councils could not stand for it and sentenced a challenge for Darren to prove that he was a true vampire. The vampire councils said that Darren had to take the trails of death which was some horrifying challenges he had to take by himself and survive or escape. Darren thought and didn't know what to do. He didn't know a lot of the challenges or the ways of a vampire. But Darren didn't want to shame his teacher and last said that he would take the challenges to prove himself as a vampire. If i were Darren i wouldn't of taken the challenges because i would of not known a lot about vampires and not a lot about the challenges either and would have died. After Darren had been dismissed from the hall of princes he talked to his two friends Gavner and Kurda about the challenges and found out a lot of important information about the challenges. He thought he would have a lot of time to recover and rest after each challenge but he only had 24 hours. Also Darren found out the most important thing about the trails of death which was if Darren didn't complete the challenges he would sentenced to extermination.
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